Mystical Mandala Journey

It's been five months since I began my Mystical Mandala Journey. I'm 76 mandalas deep into this soothing and revealing soul-homeopathic remedy that I call Mandala Medicine.
In this time I've seen recurring symols and themes in the mandalas I've made, which I've linked to as follows: There're the eyes, the V-like symbols, the squiggly lines, color explosions, as well as fun & games, to name a just a few...all of them revealing more insights into myself, more opportunities to see and grow, and listen; more chances to share, inspire, and to be inspired. I've witnessed Mandala Medicine make a difference in the lives of people, as mentioned in the wonderful comments, and in my post on Making Your Own Mandala Medicine.
It's been a fascinating journey. I appreciate every single one who has come and joined in this Mystical Mandala Journey, for it is truly "Our Journey"...and I'm blessed, honored and thrilled to be sharing it with such talented, caring, generous, creative, supportive and inspiring people. YOU make it fun and inspiring for me; and I look forward to the next 76+ mandalas, mine and well as whatever your heart and soul decides to create, and share.
I also want to thank Muse Melanie, creator of Inspire Me Thursday. Melanie, through your vision and commitment to living a creatively inspired life, you have broadened the horizons of my life exponentially with an opportunity to expand, be inspired, and be a part of a growing family of art-inspired friends and muses from all over the world! Thank you for opening the portals of your imagination to us.
Godspeed...and I thank you all for being in my life...indeed, this means YOU!
(Mandala #49)
you and others like you make a huge difference and impact so positively in the life of others, porbably without even realising how much.
Oooo, your question is a juicy one. When I have these questions I plant little seed-questions for my muse to work on...she loves it when I do that!
Currently I have my mandalas in a spiral journal. They are a self-discovery/exploration tool for me; although I do intend to make prints (via my jpegs,or photos) and frame a few of them when the time is right. I've also made one-of-a-kind note cards. The possibilities are endless, and good opportunity to dance with your "magical muse". Please let me know what you do!
P.S. Here's a "MuseFlash" (from my muse): You can go to and many of the online picture development companies i.e., etc., as well as Kinko's or Staples;they can make calendars, books, note cards from your artwork, posters, mugs for you. Then you can see your "Art in Every Day" ...every day!
Thanks for your question!It got my muse all excited, and inspired me too! I think I'll make a calendar for 2008! I can't wait to hear what you make. : )
Thank you so much for your inspiring,generous and thoughtful comments. The "gold" truly is the wonderful kindred family that we all evolve into, authored by our own Creative Spirit & our love for creative expression. I am so glad we are all here together!
I'm glad you're on the mandala journey too! And...all in our own timing. I have spurts of making them...just goin' with the flow. And..remember, we can make them smaller i.e. a small-medium size jar lid works nicely for mini-mandalas.