My Sacred Life

I came across this interesting and timely article*: Shadow Comforts, written by Comfort Queen, Jennifer Louden the Soulful Living site...which in itself is a Treasure Trove for the Spirit. Jennifer's insights into shadow comforts is comprehensive; and I can, and will use the journaling promots she outlines in the article. I've been witnessing myself partake of shadow comforts for a while...and have wanted to overcome, transcend, transform them (that's code for working toward self-mastery).'s my chance...another chance, another soul-tool to incorporate. prayer, desire and intention for assistance were genuine...for the answer came. It showed up synchronicstically through Carla (of Zena Moon & My Sacred Life Project) who commented on my Diamond Drum Mandala post, and her blog* led me to the article. Thank you Carla. Soul-stirring gifts were left in your wake.
It's been said: "Ask...and you shall receive". I know this is true. And I also say to myself: "Ask, Expect (to get it), Prepare (to receive it), Walk in the Consciousness of already having it, and Give thanks for it." It works. Oh...and when I forget that "it works" I remind myself to "Walk in Faith...not by sight, but in Spiritual Insight". What I've also discovered is...after genuinely doing this enough It becomes a part of my being... and I then I don't have to even ask...because I realize it's already mine. And in that that moment...I say thank you, thank you, thank you. And I know...I will see it in my experience of living at the divine-right time.
Yes this is definitely a "Sacred Life" moment. And, I say "thank you Carla", for dreaming up the My Sacred Life's an honor to share the journey of my sacred life with you, and kindred travelers along the way. ~ Godspeed. Namaste.
P.S. Love your mandalas - you have inspired me to create some!