My Sacred Life

I came across this interesting and timely article*: Shadow Comforts, written by Comfort Queen, Jennifer Louden the Soulful Living site...which in itself is a Treasure Trove for the Spirit. Jennifer's insights into shadow comforts is comprehensive; and I can, and will use the journaling promots she outlines in the article. I've been witnessing myself partake of shadow comforts for a while...and have wanted to overcome, transcend, transform them (that's code for working toward self-mastery).'s my chance...another chance, another soul-tool to incorporate. prayer, desire and intention for assistance were genuine...for the answer came. It showed up synchronicstically through Carla (of Zena Moon & My Sacred Life Project) who commented on my Diamond Drum Mandala post, and her blog* led me to the article. Thank you Carla. Soul-stirring gifts were left in your wake.
It's been said: "Ask...and you shall receive". I know this is true. And I also say to myself: "Ask, Expect (to get it), Prepare (to receive it), Walk in the Consciousness of already having it, and Give thanks for it." It works. Oh...and when I forget that "it works" I remind myself to "Walk in Faith...not by sight, but in Spiritual Insight". What I've also discovered is...after genuinely doing this enough It becomes a part of my being... and I then I don't have to even ask...because I realize it's already mine. And in that that moment...I say thank you, thank you, thank you. And I know...I will see it in my experience of living at the divine-right time.
Yes this is definitely a "Sacred Life" moment. And, I say "thank you Carla", for dreaming up the My Sacred Life's an honor to share the journey of my sacred life with you, and kindred travelers along the way. ~ Godspeed. Namaste.


patti said…
Great post. I love the Ask, Expect, Prepare, Walk, Give Thanks... it has shown me where I have been going wrong. I love the soul stirring too.

P.S. Love your mandalas - you have inspired me to create some!
Everydaythings said…
I just looked in my copy of the book Comfort Queen - and saw my name in the credits list, I'd forgotten I'd made a submission of my comments/ideas to jennifer Louden when she was writing the book!Your post just reminded me of the book which is on my bookshelf - thanks for reminding me, its so nice to see ones name in print! I have nearly all of the Louden books she has been a big influence in my life!
Yes, I too enjoy JL...BUT your insight into your self grows stronger every day my friend....Thank you for sharing who you are and how you feel both with your art work and your words...You are a blessing...
Sheri said…
oh i love what you said... always remember to give thanks