Rockin' Girl Blogger Award

Today I was awarded the "Rockin' Girl Blogger" award from my friend Pattie! Thank you Pattie! I am honored and excited...and I'm feeling immense gratitude that I'm a part of such a wonder-filled, amazing, inspiring and kindred circle of creative, warm, compassionate women. My creative world has opened up tremendously in the last two years; and meeting Pattie, as well as Royce was a big part of that opening...and richly rewarding one in ways too numerous to count. We met through Jill Badonsky and her playful-yet-powerful, quirky...wise and inspiring work through her book, The Nine Modern Day Muses &...a Bodyguard.
I've often said..."You turn right instead of left and your whole life changes!" -- It's the seemingly-simple and small choices and steps that can make a huge difference, and reverberate in our lives forever. This is the basis of the "Kaizen Way" as discussed in Dr. Robert Mauer's book, One Small Step Can Change Your Life ...and a large part of Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching.
Just September of 2005, if I hadn't taken a few minutes to go online during my lunch hour, and "happen upon" The Creativity Portal, which lead me to Jill, who knows if or when I would've ever set my creativity free, released the blocks and learned about myself and my (the) creative process and the sensitivities that are inherent in us right-brainers! Meeting Jill and taking her Muse Group Leader Training as well as her Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Training, and bonding with other sister-muses & coaches...changed all of that! My creativity has sprung forth in ways I'd never imagined...and the creative bliss, and energy I get from that is like none other...and yet, it's is still unfolding!
Actually, I've put the cart before the horse! A few months before I met Jill Badonsky, I read Anne Marie Bennett's article: Fall in Love with Yourself With SoulCollage® ...again, at that Universe of Creativity and Inspiration, The Creativity Portal! (By the way, Anne Maire is the creator of the awesome KaleidoSoul.) I was so inspired by Ann Maire's article that I made my first card using her e-workshop. I loved the process so much that 18 months later, I flew to California and took the SoulCollage® Facilitator's Training at a mountaintop retreat with Seena Frost, (& co.) the creator of the SoulCollage® .
...But wait! there's more!... Anne Marie and I have become the best of friends, and I have made other deep, heartful connections and friendships with many kindred spirits and sister-faciliators across the US, Candada & Australia! -- So here's a big hug and "thank you" to Chris Dunmire recognizing that our art-thirsty souls needed The Creativity Portal. And...Chris is also the creator of Creative Slush her endlessly creative and amusing blog...go on...take a sip, and please tell her I invited you!
So, Chris, Anne Marie and Jill, I am so thankful to you all for being rousing creativity-catalysts...and I'm glad Anne Marie, Pattie, Royce, Jill and I are "...still together after all these years" as the saying goes... or is it "...still CRAZY after all these years"? LOL!! ...I think it's all of the above!! -- And I thank all of you who visit here, leave wonderful, inspiring comments and share your ideas and encouragement. I'm so glad you're here...and I always look forward to visiting your blogs! You're all an enriching presence in my life.
Wow, what a day!
I am left speachless ..You honor me with more than you realize...but especially with your friendship...
Blessings always...
Thank you for your thoughtful words. We are all in this together, all connected, and all abundantly loving and creative.
Thank you for reinforcing the work I do with the Creativity Portal. Your energy and enthusiasm ripples outward. ) ) )
I'm so glad I could pass on the good feelings to you all.
I do appreciate the difference you make in my world... it all ripples out.
: )