One of Those Days

Did ya ever have one of those days?...
One of the main things I love about creative-expression is the sharing of it...and the wonders it brings into our life and our very being. I am so appreciative that I get to share in your artwork, your process, your ideas...and your lives. My heart literally smiles and expands at the thought of this!
Tonight I viewed Garden Girl's Fear of Flying post, and it has touched my heart on many levels. Life is challenging and ever-changing...even if we sometimes don't realize it. Then something happens that jars our awareness of this. - The sentiments of her "Grief Mandala" and poem, are those I am all too familiar with.
She also mentions that my blog and mandalas have inspired her to deal with grieving in a new way. Thank you Garden Girl...for this I am touched, and grateful. I feel this is why we're all help and inspire each other. I know I'm certainly inspired by everyone who comes here and IMT. So Garden Girl, you have inspired me to share this mandala.
In keeping with the spirit of creative and art therapy, I made this mandala last weekend to "let out" how I was feeling. I was having "one of those days" ..which lasted the entire weekend. The good news is I heeded what my heart and soul needed...I rested...slept...created this mandala...and then about 4 more which were brighter, like the rainbow after the rain....and slept some more. you Garden Girl, I felt better too. It's interestng, seeing this mandala makes me appreciate the brighter days even more...and it reminds me that they are there...sometimes in the moment and sometimes on the horizon...but they are there indeed.
I can appreciate how you feel about this art because my expression of my deep feelings.. my respite is the photos that I take of nature and post.
Each persons ~art therapy~ is as unique and individual as their fingerprints.Your expression and this post is inspiring!
I came in by way of gardengirl..nice to meet you!NG
THank you for sharing your thoughtful, appreciative feelings here. I just visited your site and "oh my goodness!" A feast for the eyes! I will return to visit you.
Nice to meet you to...I'm so glad you came by!
Thank you so much...for your words, your spirit, and your light as well! And...Thank you for your daily view of life thru your camera lens.