I Live in Color!
"Dear Diary" is this week's challenge at Inspire Me Thursday. This is the cover of one of my favorite creative journals! -- I created it in October 2005 after I returned home from Jill B's Muse Group Leader Training in KC. -- Actually, I bought this sketch book during one of our assigned artist-date-type excursions while there.

I had fun creating it... and being the "tactile" person that I am ...I was near-giddy when I found the sunburst at Michael's ! It added just the dimension and texture I wanted! Anyway, the cover to reminds me of how important it is to fully, authentically, and audaciously... be me! - To accept, and yes...celebrate all my quirks, my talents and skills and my splendid imperfections! -- I feel that's one of the most important things for ALL of us, is to fully express our selves...and..."to thine own self be true". I think the rest follows suit more harmoniously after that.
In addition to the cover, here e are two pages from that express that idea:

Alfri Woodard is one of my favorite people...and actresses. Something in me lights up when I see her...she's just got a good vibe! She walks in strength and beauty...it radiates from her like moonlight...and goes before her...like it's gently trumpeting the dawning of her arrival! She excudes, peace...and grace... and dignity...and spirited-fun as well! -- I loved her playful, humorous, loving-mother character in the movie Heart & Souls. The way I see it, Alfri Woodard is very much at home in her own skin...and it shows! And to me...that's one major ingredient of a joyful life!
The blurb in the middle of this "Live in Color" collage is from my muse project I did with Jill B. In it, I talk about how important it is that we "live in color"...letting our true colors shine through ....
I also write about the movie Pleasantville and what happened in the town to the people once they began to "see in color" ...Once they glimpsed colorful living, their experience of living grew like fields of wildflowers...and there was no turning back! (You can click on the image to read the blurb...if you'd like.)--
To me, living in color is continuing to discover, see and celebrate the colorful beauty...both tangible and intangible... that surrounds us. That's why I created this blog...to honor, celebrate and share that with all of you...and to share in yours as well! - - So...I raise steaming cup of Constant Comment Tea (my sweet mom's favorite)...to you and say, "Cheers! -- Here's to living in color!"

I had fun creating it... and being the "tactile" person that I am ...I was near-giddy when I found the sunburst at Michael's ! It added just the dimension and texture I wanted! Anyway, the cover to reminds me of how important it is to fully, authentically, and audaciously... be me! - To accept, and yes...celebrate all my quirks, my talents and skills and my splendid imperfections! -- I feel that's one of the most important things for ALL of us, is to fully express our selves...and..."to thine own self be true". I think the rest follows suit more harmoniously after that.
In addition to the cover, here e are two pages from that express that idea:

Alfri Woodard is one of my favorite people...and actresses. Something in me lights up when I see her...she's just got a good vibe! She walks in strength and beauty...it radiates from her like moonlight...and goes before her...like it's gently trumpeting the dawning of her arrival! She excudes, peace...and grace... and dignity...and spirited-fun as well! -- I loved her playful, humorous, loving-mother character in the movie Heart & Souls. The way I see it, Alfri Woodard is very much at home in her own skin...and it shows! And to me...that's one major ingredient of a joyful life!
The blurb in the middle of this "Live in Color" collage is from my muse project I did with Jill B. In it, I talk about how important it is that we "live in color"...letting our true colors shine through ....

To me, living in color is continuing to discover, see and celebrate the colorful beauty...both tangible and intangible... that surrounds us. That's why I created this blog...to honor, celebrate and share that with all of you...and to share in yours as well! - - So...I raise steaming cup of Constant Comment Tea (my sweet mom's favorite)...to you and say, "Cheers! -- Here's to living in color!"
The journey is yours! Like no other!! To create a journal and pages like these speaks of your soul beauty, and deep strength to explore who you are as you dance through to the other side of a higher self! Joy and wholeness are like stardust in your wake!
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! I'm a giddy little girl as I ready your inspiring and delightful comments! I appreciate each and every one of you and your creativity! I'm excited to be part of this kindred, and fun field of inspiration and playful muses!
Thank you all...and lets Keep Rockin'!!
...and Deb G, I've not heard of that book, I'll have to check it out. Thank you!
Thanks so much for the comment on my blog.
Love the work you're doing with all the colors.
"splendid imperfections" - something I'd like the embrace in myself more often. :)
Keep up the great work.