Oasis Mandala
Deep in the center, benevolent energy radiates from deep within the layers. Ripples shimmy-out and touch the whole...sending gentle shock waves from bud, to petal, to bloom...then stem...and...the entire bloomin' galaxy......calling back to itself all that is familiar......sounding to the kindred invitation:
"Come....let us gather and quench our creative souls together..at the Oasis."
Hello everyone and mandala enthusiasts especially... My love of the mandala process, and a good friend, has inspired me to start an online community. You are invited to join us at the new and exciting Mandala Oasis - a kindred Yahoo! Community that focuses on the intuitve art of making your own mandalas...their inspirations and insights. In honor of this and the one year I've been on this mandala journey...I have created a new blog just for mandalas! I look forward to still seeing you here though, where I will continue to post other creative musings, insights and gratitude.
"The only way to truly understand mandalas is to draw them." ~Michael Brown Ed. S. ~from Meeting the Mandala, by Clare Goodwin