Believe! ~ Defying Gravity!

Whispers from my heart gently, yet strongly sing out...
"Believe". Yes,
"believe" is the guiding intention that's trumpet-
ing me into this new year; and in its wake I hear the words..."dream bigger"..."believe in the possibility...infinite possibilities. Just believe, Cheryl!?
What a gift! I know that living in and from that consciousness..allowing it to further blossom within my Being...yields an abundant harvest of love, health, well-being, joy and creativity. Years ago Emily Dickinson wrote, "I dwell in possibility". That's wise counsel even today. To dare to dwell in the possibility of what can be. Ahh...the anchoring contentment of living from that space of infinite possibilities, and "allowing" life to unfold. My heart speaks to, and teaches me from its sacred spaces of non-resistence and possibilities. Yes...we're beginning a new chapter in our Book of Life...365 new pages...each day a blank page of possibilities to fill.
This mandala invites me into its mystical center, beckoning me to cross its threshold and enter its exhilarating, transformative Realm of Pure Potentiality...where Infinite Possibilities await our acceptance.'s to living in and from our personal Land of Oz...Defying Gravity along the way. I invite you to join me; and..
to get us off to a soaring and roaring start, here's inspiration for Defying from the spell-binding cast of Wicked! click here.
So, I ask..."How will you defy gravity this year?" As for me, I'm allowing myself to really believe! ~ Believe I can: restore health & balance, get to bed earlier, balance my checkbook, dance in the rhythm of life...and create my home as a portrait of my heart...and my art; and to remember to "dwell in possibility" of what can be, believe in myself and the goodness of each moment. Here's to us - defying gravity - and traveling as light as a feather.


Everydaythings said…
Cheryl another inspiring post to send us soaring into the new year. I have copied your new year thing as an intro to my journal this year, the one which says we have 365 new pages to fill...each day a blank to fill...well my journal is filling and so is my head with ideas. I hope they are good ones!! You are defying gravity already by flying so high,and inspiring others to do the same, maybe when my 'wings' get fixed I'll fly up there too!? hugs to you..Krissie
Anonymous said…
Mandalas are always powerful ways to meditate and invoke powerful thoughts...krissie is right...definitely an inspiring post. Thanks for sharing.
Kara said…
"leap and the net will appear" and your post and mandala gives me visions of flying. Happy New Year!
Deb G said…
Ooooo....I really like this mandala! Also really like what you said about creating a home as a portrait of the heart. What a wonderful way of expressing that!
Believe is one of my most favorite words. Your writing always give me a lift Cheryl. You have such a strong, creative, loving spirit. Thanks for sharing. Love your latest mandala too! Beverly
patti said…
Travelling as light as a feather - that's what I want to do! My word for 2008 is 'balance', not unlike your aims for this year. Beautiful mandalas!
Oh my gosh, you listed my blog in your spotlight section for February. Thank you so much. Wow! What an honor! Also, what a great have a spotlight section. You are a never ending well of creativity AND inspiration to others...especially me! Thank you Cheryl...
Kathie said…
Now you are inspiring me!!!

I love your mandalas Cheryl : )

I would be honoured to be spotlighted next month.

Lisa said…
I'm so glad you brought this to my attention! What a beautiful mandala and post from my most wonderfully inspiriting (I meant to type inspiring but inspiriting seems right so I'm leaving it) friend.

And I sat in tears as I listened to Defying Gravity. Wow!!

Thank you!