Ultimate Center

This mandala represents my Ultimate Center of Being; the Center that Cheri Huber talks about in her book on compassionate self-discipline. I created this mandala spontaneously, and several days passed before I realized what it represented. Thanks to this mandala, now when I think of Center this image is what comes into my mind's eye. I see it just like this...all vibrant, bold, beautiful, and it has a shimmering translucence that's mesmorizing and transforming.
When I close my eyes and breath mindfully, and enter deep into my own being this shining, shimmering Center is what's waiting for me. It takes me into Itself and nourishes my soul. It's always there waiting to love, and soothe me....and welcome me back Home. It's waiting to heal whatever needs healing. It's waiting to inspire, enliven and give me more juice to celebrate and to express my full, authentic self.
Just as Royce writes about in "BOLD"... we MUST be our full authentic selves...and then go out into the world and "be it boldly"! We MUST embrace the fullness of our magnificient Selves! We MUST express fully who we are! I believe this is why we are here, and if we shy away from expressing it... others will miss out on the inspiration they would have received from us...and vice versa. We must be of good courage and go one (baby-step) farther to our Bold a new level that is waiting for us! Thank you Royce for your immeasurable inspiration!
Don't hold back! Be Bold, as Inspire Me Thursday challenges us to do this week; (my BOLD offering is here). We all have glorious gifts to share, and we can only do that when we say YES to the spirit of our magnificience. I am thankful that communing with Ultimate Center does that for me, as does induldging my creative passions, sharing them, and basking in the joy of others who share theirs! So, let "now" be the beginning baby-step, to BOLDLY go where no woman or man has gone before!
Mandala #45
I am a flower in bloom surrounded by hugs and kisses...I have opened up and become more of who I thought I was...the person I knew I could be! I am a flower in bloom holding my head up high to the sunlight and feeling the warmth of love that surrounds me. I AM A FLOWER IN BLOOM!
Thank you Cheryl!
Thank you Pattie!
I am so glad you both are affected by the Ultimate Center's energy. Thank you...