Tree of Life Mandala

Inspired by the creative spark over at Inspire Me Thursday which was: reflect upon our "roots", literal or otherwise...and create something!
Immediately I thought of a tree...I am fascinated by...and drawn to...trees! However, I haven't yet learned how to draw I let that idea steep a bit while I wrote about my first entry -- and not long afterard, the idea of surrounding the tree with words came to me... (thanks to my muse). These "living words" are just a few of the foundational roots from which my life's garden has grown. Life, joy, compassion, peace, truth, creativity and beauty are a just a few (of many root sytems) that were passed on to me from my parents , my grandparents, and other family elders...and I too have passed them on to my daughter...and so it goes on and on. Roots are a beautiful thing.!
thanks for stopping by my Month of Todays're right...the best thing about being an artist is that you see art everywhere.