Mandala Journey
"Loosely translated to mean "circle", a mandala is far more than a simple shape. It represents wholeness, and can be seen as a model for the organizational structure of life itself--a cosmic diagram that reminds us of our relation to the infinite, the world that extends both beyond and within our bodies and minds."
~From Mandala: Journey to the Center, by Bailey Cunningham
Inspiration for these mandalas came as "art making" throughout the weekend during an Integrative Breathwork experiential workshop called Musical Soul Journey held at the beautiful, bountiful Full Circle Retreat held May 4-6. This was my first time trying my hand at drawing, coloring, painting mandalas; each one emerged spontaneously and was quite a thrill to see...and fun to make. Three larger mandalas were created during the weekend as a way to further integrate our Breathwork experience; and... after returning home they just kept coming! I've made about 32 so far up through May 20! It is very intriguing seeing all this emerge. I look forward to witnessing even more of my Mandala Journey; and the spontaneous creativity it's inspiring as well as the insight that's being revealed. I've discovered that this free flowing, intuitive mandala-making is a visual version of Morning Pages for me! Wow! artwork is revealing "me" cool! 
"Structure & Flow"
"Crop Rotation" -- May 8

May 8
Portal to the Universe

Radio Waves - Tuning-in
May 10

"A Good Harvest" - May 11
"Life -journey essentials"
Created Sunday night - after Breathwork retreat
May 6

"A Peaceful View"
May 7

"Eye like what Eye see" Cheeriness, colorful new vistas of abundance and variety as far as the eye can see, from my view through cheery cafe curtains...with protective aaura.
May 7

Sun, Mother Earth, Water:
A View from Above
May 7

"Eye know you, Eye see you, Eye'm watching you, protectively."
May 7

Created the day after the retreat May 7 - This mandala tells me, "See...beautiful things can be created within coloring withn the lines" (sometimes).
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Created on Sunday night, May 6 2007 - after Breathwork
~From Mandala: Journey to the Center, by Bailey Cunningham Mandala Journey timing is synchronistic with the (then-current) "Circles" theme over at Inspire Me Thursday - a site that inspires enthusiasm for creativity..and its sharing! "Thank you" to the creative mind behind it all, Melanie. - Bravo Melanie!!

"Structure & Flow"
"Crop Rotation" -- May 8

May 8
Portal to the Universe

Radio Waves - Tuning-in
May 10

"A Good Harvest" - May 11
"Life -journey essentials"
Created Sunday night - after Breathwork retreat
May 6

"A Peaceful View"
May 7

"Eye like what Eye see" Cheeriness, colorful new vistas of abundance and variety as far as the eye can see, from my view through cheery cafe curtains...with protective aaura.
May 7

Sun, Mother Earth, Water:
A View from Above
May 7

"Eye know you, Eye see you, Eye'm watching you, protectively."
May 7

Created the day after the retreat May 7 - This mandala tells me, "See...beautiful things can be created within coloring withn the lines" (sometimes).
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Created on Sunday night, May 6 2007 - after Breathwork

I can hear your Soul Singing and your Heart Dancing to the beat of beautiful and moving artistic freedom! The colors! The images! The Messages! The Movement!
This viewer will be back with more comments after "absorbing" these more fully. KUDOS to you!!
This is amazing! I admit my knowledge of Jung was limited to a couple of aesthetic philosophy classes in college but I know enough to be powerfully moved looking at your pieces here. Very inspiring.
Thanks for stopping by my new Month of Todays site. In only 3 days I'm already realizing a new energy about seeing and taking photos every day.